Видео печати
Видео по знакомству принтера
Видео по печати образцов
Cosmetics Paper box print by BrotherJet R1900 printer
PVC Card printing with brotherjet R1900 flatbed printer
BR1900 BrotherJet launched new white ink for dark textile printing
Wood double-sided printing with BR 1900 printer
The whole process of white t shirt printing with BR t-shirt printer for testing and training
Carton board printing with BR T shirt printer machine
black T-shirt printing with brotherjet t-shirt direct printer
Red and green acrylic printing-color and white by A2 UV
Wood printing with BR mini uv printer
pvc card printing with BR MINI UV printer
Pen printing with BR Small UV printer
ceramic printing with small uv printer
White and color inks printing on Iphone5 phone case with BR uv mini printer
MDF board printing with BR A2 uv plus printer
Dark color phone case print by BR A3 UV ptinter
Видео техническиой поддержки
Brotherjet 1400 &1900 T shirt printing training
BrotherJet Phone case printing Training
BrotherJet 1400,1900 ink system maintain training
BrotherJet BR1900/1400 Machine Set Up training
Brotherjet A3 UV printer set up training
BR A1 UV printer set up training
BrotherJet A2 T SHIRT Machine set up training
BR UV A2 High end Printer Set up training
BR MINI UV A2 Printer set up training
Three shirts printing with A2 T SHIRT printer